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Final Transition

Part 10: Final Transition

[important] if you are not in california double check with your trainer about net metering (nem) agreements in your area. Not all utilities give a 20 year agreement.

NOTE: The goal of the sunsetting credits portion is to build urgency so they go solar now. This is a short section. Take the time to learn the whole thing word for word.

Important lines

Customers Ask Me: At this point a lot of customers ask me “how long is this going to last?”

(this is to create urgency)

25% More: (if they miss net metering they will need more panels in the future. That’s why it’s important for them to go solar now)

Sunsetting Credits: As the window closes on the number of people that can go solar, they are going to start sunsetting these credits down and actually start taking away some of the credits… [HARD PAUSE]

(this is another moment you want to hard pause. You want them to ask you a question about the sunsetting credits. This is to emphasise a point and to create urgency)

Neighbours: Your “wait and see” neighbours are going to get one of these deals

(this is important because it puts you and the homeowner on the same side of the table, talking about the people who “wait and see”. It also makes it harder for them to procrastinate and gives them a tangible reason to take action now)

  1. So Now…  if you’d like, what we could do is, we could apply to see if your home qualifies, and that’ll tell us:1. How much funding is available
    2. What your monthly payment would be, because you’re probably wondering what this will cost, right?
    3. And most importantly, how much you are going to save.Would you like to do that?


Part 10: Final Transition Breakdown